Studies have shown that stress not only contributes to weight gain and weight loss but also causes a process of overeating that can lead to imbalances and spikes within the body. For example, cortisol and insulin are the two most common hormones that can do real damage if left unchecked. These hormones contribute to fat being stored around the mid-section and hips that ultimately produce inflammation, diabetes and heart disease. These are symptoms of stress and should be dealt immediately.
The damaging effects of stress impact weight, hormones, self-confidence, and overall health and should be regarded as highly detrimental if not taken care of properly. Stress is almost like death and taxes, it’s going to happen one way or another. The best part that most people don’t know is that your body has the ability to respond to stress on its own. It was designed that way. The key is giving your body the best chance to do so and often that involves lifestyle changes. We can help you navigate that.
Disease is something that your body knows how to handle, but because of poor lifestyle choices, it can turn into an illness. By applying healthier principles in your life, you will improve how your body naturally responds to stress and restore health and healing to your body.
3 Ways To Help Eliminate Stress
Exercise is an effective way to maximize your response to stress. It will lower cortisol, balance insulin, spike glutathione levels and trigger hormones that make you feel happier and more elated. A misconception is that exercise combats stress or cures it, but that is simply not a true statement. It only helps the body to function at a more efficient and safe level for taking care of stress naturally.
Don’t Panic
When you panic and become anxious, your body goes into overload. If you panic, you’ve already lost the battle, as anyone that suffers from anxiety, panic attacks, asthma or any other stress related condition fully knows too well. The secret is not to add additional mental and emotional stress to any situation, because adding this stress compounds the problem. Find the calming solution that works for you – whether it’s counting slowly backward from 100 or putting yourself in a timeout, identify it and put it to use when you feel your anxiety rising!
Putting Yourself In A Stress-Free Environment
A prime example is taking some time in nature or going for a walk alone. So your body and your mind have time to take in some fresh air. Another example might be to find a quiet place you feel safe and turn everything off and breathe slowly by taking deep breathes until the heart stabilizes and slows down the panic mode it has been put in. This may seem ridiculous, but it is very effective to be able to step away and re-focus your body’s systems. These solutions won’t eliminate stress but they will help your body respond to the stress at the best of your ability.
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Once upon a time it was unheard of for a doctor’s opinion to be challenged, but today’s patients are getting second and third opinions, seeking out alternative health care solutions and pursuing natural options to find out the best course of action for their health.
And recently, the medical system is now being challenged by the medical community itself exposing the flaws of medicine and misdiagnosis that runs rampant in the healthcare industry. Unfortunately, these are the things we hear about and sometimes experience ourselves as our confidence in conventional medical treatment diminishes and new healthcare options become available.
According to several doctors including Dr. Otis Brawley, Chief Medical Officer for the American Cancer Society, Americans are suffering and dying avoidable deaths because the current healthcare system is not working. It is projected that America spends one and half times as much per person on healthcare than any other country. However, it ranks 50th in life expectancy and 47th in infant mortality. Dr. Brawley blames unnecessary treatments on a lack of medical knowledge and the financial attractiveness being supported by big pharma, medical manufacturers, and hospitals. He also stresses the unfortunate attention given to treatment of illnesses rather than promoting health and preventing disease. Why? Because disease is big business and job security for many healthcare professionals.
You, as a healthcare consumer, have every reason to be angry that the costs simply are unsustainable. Studies show, that a majority of cancers are preventable through lifestyle and not medical treatment.
Dr. Brawley is not the only medical doctor to challenge the healthcare system. In fact, this is now widely known in the medical industry and has struck chords with the healthcare overseers. Dr. Brawley recognizes that the medical community needs to take a hard look at itself in the mirror and give healthcare consumers better treatment options as a priority and not because it makes more dollars.
So what can we take from this? We encourage you to take responsibility for your own health. Do your own research and also always challenge your healthcare providers. Getting educated about what you can do to maximize your potential for better health and a longer life should always be your number one concern for yourself and your family. Make wise, informed decisions by getting your information from multiple sources. You shouldn’t just take what the doctor orders because if you do, you could potentially increase your chance for health risks.
While steering away from the bandwagon is never easy, relying on a single source for anything in your life can set you up for disappointment. Take back your health into your hands and you too can live a healthier you!
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The Holistic Road or The Traditional Medical Model
The typical approach to “health,” hasn’t worked for years. To most people, “health” means, “I’m not in pain” or “I’m not sick often.” That isn’t true health! Our society isn’t changing its perception of health, we’re simply looking for different ways to pay for it! Yet, people continue to travel down the exact same road, time and time again. Even if we made this road cheaper or added wellness exams, preventative “medicine”, or early detection scans, you’re still traveling down the same road with the same results. And no matter what has changed, you always end up at the same destination: crisis, disease, and early death.
But, what’s stopping you from changing up the scenery and making a new road?
The Road Less Traveled
This is where we shine. We don’t want to move you to a cheaper insurance plan and fill you up with prescription pills. We believe in true health: the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. How do we accomplish that?
We want to help you maximize your mind. This is essential is and it’s about understanding the true principle of health and healing to create a mindset of success. After all, it is function and lifestyle, not genetics, that determine well-being.
Half of heart disease deaths can be avoided with lifestyle changes. Almost 200,000 lives can be saved if certain heart risk factors are cut, even modestly.
Optimizing your nerve supply involves restoring and maintaining the proper function of the nervous system through spinal correction. George Bakris, MD, Director of the University of Chicago hypertension center found that Chiropractic adjustments reduce blood pressure better than two blood-pressure medications combined.
Vertebral misalignment is common in patients with atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma. Adjustments caused a 70% improvement in allergic disease. In his study, Yasuhiko Takeda found that vertebral misalignment is a common characteristic found in patients with atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma. He also found that chiropractic adjustments caused a 70% improvement in allergic disease.
Increased quality nutrition is nutritional science that sustains well-being, disease prevention, and ideal weight management. Overweight women are up to sixty percent more likely to develop any cancer. Diets loaded with healthy fats significantly reduce your risk of prostate cancer. If we eat more naturally and avoid the processed foods of modern society, we will live healthier lives.
Maximizing oxygen intake and lean muscle mass can help reduce the damaging effects of aging. A study showed that if you learn how to exercise the right way through short bursts of maximum energy output, one can induce a “good” hormone response. Cutting edge exercise programs that work to facilitate optimum fitness in minimal time are your best bet. Just by walking 30 minutes a day, symptoms of depression can improve faster than with pharmaceutical therapy.
Keeping toxin levels down in your body increases its ability to permanently remove toxins from cells.
The EPA reports that there are over 70,000 chemicals used commercially. These chemicals are found in household cleaners, plastics, pesticides, personal care products, foods, drugs, water, paints, fabrics, and floor and wall covering are leading causes of cancers, gland issues, and many of today’s common diseases.
Make A New Path
The road most traveled has made people sicker, unhappier, more overweight and more out of shape than ever before seen in human history. The modern medical model is not health care, it’s suppressing symptoms and disease care. Don’t make the mistake of waiting for a crisis to think about your health.
So where does the road less traveled take us? One five year study on Chiropractic maintenance care showed that chiropractic patients spent 31% less on healthcare and had 50% less medical visits than the national average. This calculates into:
- 85% less in pharmaceutical costs
- 59% fewer days in the hospital
- 2% fewer hospital admissions
- 62% less patient surgeries
The road less traveled can save families hundreds of thousands on healthcare while avoiding disease and suffering. This sounds pretty logical to me, but you have to make the choice for yourself. This is the road beyond healthcare and wellness. Here, we study health, not just disease. It’s a complete system for living. We don’t simply treat symptoms; we find and correct the cause of health problems. The choice is clear.
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Much can be debated on genetically modified or engineered foods, but really anything that is grown using toxic pesticide spray we’re gonna take a pass on. It’s just not justifiable to ingest something that can also make an insect explode, but hey if you’re into that sort of thing go right ahead.
The First Lady, however, is NOT into that sort of thing. She has made it publicly clear she is banning products from the biotech giant, Monsanto, which has pretty much infiltrated the grocer industry. Unfortunately, 70-80% of American processed foods contain genetically engineered ingredients.
Claiming to be a full-time mom and a proud one at that, you may have more in common with the First Lady than you think. Her research about the ingredients in many foods her family was eating led her to take a strong stand against this unnatural process.
Health problems and disease can come from a variety of sources, but Melania is making sure it’s not coming from the food she and her family are eating. See? Sounds like a good mom to us! It’s definitely a commitment, but after reading the numerous side effects these GMO foods are producing, it’s a commitment worth making!
GMO Side Effects
Legal action is being taken daily on behalf of the health of Americans trying to make good decisions. Pressing the FDA to require more accurate and transparent labeling is definitely a big one, and right now it’s strictly voluntary if they want to include GMO information on their products.
Sometimes you’ll see “Partially produced with genetic engineering”, but even then it’s not really required for them to even have that. Wanting to provide natural, healthy foods for your family is important to all moms, no matter what color of house you live in.
We’re passionate about holistic, full body health, so take charge and give us a call with any questions you have! We’d love to chat!
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We need to talk. Don’t you hate hearing those words? But seriously we need to talk. You know like the time your high school sweetheart wanted to talk and dumped you right before the prom. Well, this is kind of the same conversation only instead of breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, it’s breaking up with those scented candles and room sprays you love so much. Sorry. It’s just time.
There is an alarming amount of household air fresheners and scented candles out there that parade around in cutesy “Christmas Tree” packaging when in reality, they should be marked with a skull and crossbones. Too harsh? Not really—the truth is that more and more studies are proving that these products that we use on a daily basis contain KNOWN HUMAN CARCINOGENS (CANCER CAUSERS).
Not to pick on the SC Johnson company, but hey, they walked right into this one. The first list is the US Dept. of Health & Human Services “Known Human Carcinogens”. The second list displays a list of ingredients that make up the “fragrance” portion of their “Glade” products. Hmmmm.
These are poisons secretly infiltrating your home in disguise. Unfortunately, the people creating these synthetic products and scents are more concerned making a buck rather than public health or we might actually know this information. Instead, we’re left to do our own research. Thanks for nothing.
What it means when you see “Fragrance” on the label
What should I look for on the label?
The next time you pick up your favorite candle or shampoo, check the ingredients on the label. Does it say “fragrance” or “parfum”? If so, there’s a lot more than meets the eye.
What is it?
The listed ingredient “fragrance” is on MANY common household products and though it sounds nice, the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services has tracked over 5,000 chemicals–in limitless combinations–used in these products today.
Why is it used?
This common ingredient is used to provide off a specific aromatic scent that appeals uniquely to each person shopping the aisles. It’s also used to cover up unwanted odors. Hello bathroom spray.
Why is this a big deal?
Personal care products, by law, must specifically list all their ingredients on the label, however, companies can get away with simply listing “Fragrance” or “Parfum” because it’s considered a trade secret. This makes it very easy for companies to hide what exactly is in their product. While candles and room sprays are not categorized as personal care products, they still take advantage of this abbreviated way to make scads of ingredients disappear by simply writing “fragrance”. How convenient.
What exactly is behind the “fragrance” label?
Benzene is just one example listed on the SC Johnson Company’s ingredient list for their candles and room sprays. No problem, right? Oh except that “Benzene” is listed by the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services as a “Known Human Carcinogen”. And don’t get us started on paraffin wax, which is created from petroleum byproducts and used in most candles, but if you want to look into it, we’ll let you make up your own mind. Sure, there are safe levels of chemical consumption through the air, but is it really worth it to test this out (and knowingly add to it) on ourselves or our kids?
Some safe alternatives for candles especially are ones made completely with soy. But be careful because there are some that have soy in them and can claim to be soy candles, even though they’re still mixed with paraffin wax. Make sure they’re 100% soy and you’re good to go.
So here’s the toxic truth: if you pick something up and read listed on the ingredients they use “Fragrance”, you’d be best served to put it back on the shelf.
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Why do flu shot campaigns feel like propaganda? Probably because they are. Flu shots and vaccinations are pushed so heavily because they help to line the pockets of the rich doctors and pharmaceutical companies who give them out – packaged and marketed perfectly to those who feel they desperately need it. We just have one tiny little question.
It’s not a difficult question, but there is a lot of research out there to prove that it doesn’t help, And a lot more to prove that what’s in the flu shot is absolutely NOT worth the risk. Especially when considering not only your health, but the health of those you love. It’s the flu season. We get it. You feel absolutely compelled to arm yourself and your family and that’s perfectly understandable, but there’s nothing wrong with a little research, right? All we’re saying is don’t be a sheep. Don’t follow along just to follow along. You have a choice, and we just want to help educate you on the choices you do have. Fair enough?
One of the most natural ways you can fight the effects of the flu is found in vitamin D. Lucky for you we’ve done all the research for you so you can take a look at how vitamin D stacks up against the flu shot when actually preventing the flu. Did you know that it takes 40 flu shots to prevent the flu as compared to 33 people taking Vitamin D.
The Benefits of Vitamin D
- People with Vit-D deficiencies have higher reports and cases of flus &colds
- Helps to boost immunity
- People with Vit-D levels below 10 ng/mL (the norm is 45-60) taking a supplement cuts their risk of respiratory infection by 50%
- People with higher to normal levels of Vit-D saw a risk reduction on average of 10% which is as effective as a flu shot vaccine
- If you have a serious Vit-D deficiency, taking a supplement is 10x more effective than getting a flu shot
- Helps to kick start and activate infectionfighting T-cells to prevent sickness
- Fights bone loss, infectionand abnormal cell growth
Do you see a trend here? Ok, so here’s a little fun fact for you. Have you ever wondered why colds and flus happen more in the winter? It’s because SUNlight levels are at their lowest (ahem, vitamin D) and sunshine is IMPORTANT! The FDA’s recommendation of 200-400 IUs (a scientific way to measure the potency of vitamin D) is ridiculously low and realistically should be a LOT higher. So go ahead and soak up that sun the next time you see it.
What About The Flu Shot?
Well, unfortunately not a lot of good can be said about it according to recent research. Sure, the idea seems noble enough. Let’s inject kids and adults with a virus to help them fight off future viruses. Not really our kinda party. Plus there’s enough research to back up the choice that you shouldn’t really go that party when invited either:
- Data shows people who received the flu shot in 2008 had 2x the risk of getting H1N1 (swine flu) compared to those who didn’t get the flu shot
- Kids who received an annual flu shot were at a 3x higher risk of hospitalization due to the flu
- There’s no evidence that vaccinating healthcare workers actually prevents the flu in elderly residents in long-term care facilities
Or perhaps we should just take a look at the rising number of deaths in kids since 2003 when the CDC reportedly claimed all kids 6 months to 5 years should start getting vaccinated. This shows the upswing of deaths in young children, plus the average death from 2003 to the present is nearly 4x HIGHER than it was before young children were recommended to get the flu shot.
The ig is up for the flu shot, but sad to say that many probably won’t know the truth unless we share it together. You don’t need to go get a shot or a prescription for vitamin D. No wonder no one knows about it! The true natural health that comes from pumping your body full of good vitamins and minerals will never be front and center as long as the WEALTHCARE system of America and other parts of the world are running the show.
Let’s break the silence and keep spreading the TRUTH!
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Are you a chronic texter? What about your kids? Maybe you enjoy reading books on your tablet for hours on end. Pay close attention to what comes next because it’s going to save you a lot of future headaches, quite literally. We’re not saying throw out your cell phone or Kindle, but being aware of how much you use your devices just might be a good idea.
What the heck is Text-Neck?
Text-Neck is a new syndrome that’s affecting millions of Americans every year and they don’t even know it, or they just aren’t aware. Maybe they just don’t care. We at least want to do our due diligence and give you some facts. Everyone has a neutral position, just like a car. It’s your best resting position that causes the least amount of stress on your skeletal system. When you’re texting, your head is leaned forward and downward in front of your shoulders angled typically between 45-60 degrees. This is a forward neck posture that isn’t good to be in hours at a time, yet we do it anyway, don’t we?
When your head is in a neutral position directly above your shoulders, it puts about ten to twelve pounds of stress on those neck and shoulder muscles. Big deal.
Picture yourself carrying around four to six ten pound bowling balls around your neck. Yes, you heard that right, four to six. That’s forty to sixty pounds of stress you’re putting on those neck and shoulder muscles of yours giving you poor neck posture.
So yeah, you probably guessed that Text-Neck isn’t necessarily making it on the nice list and you need to be thinking about what to do for better neck posture. Smartphones and tablets aren’t going away. It’s our culture so get used to it, but beware of some of these symptoms.
Text-Neck Symptoms
Nearly seventy-seven percent of Americans own a smartphone1 and they spend upward of fourteen hundred hours on their phone each year. Teenagers spend nearly five thousand hours2 so there’s a pretty darn good chance some of the following symptoms are starting to pop up:
- Spinal Misalignment
- Chronic Neck Pain
- Chronic Headaches
- Upper Back Pain
- Muscle Tightness
- Shoulder Pain
Long-Term Effects
You wouldn’t drive your car out of alignment, would you? Well, you could but eventually it’ll veer so far off the road you’ll crash and burn, right?
When your spine is out of alignment essentially it’s the same thing. Research from the 2013 Journal of Gerontology says if your neck is out of alignment by even a few degrees it increases your chance of coronary artery disease by sixty-four percent!
In case you didn’t know, heart disease is the number one killer of Americans every year. So are we saying texting leads directly to heart disease? No. We are saying that being aware of your posture is crucial to your overall health.
Powerful research also shows how spine misalignment can affect your brain function, according to the Journal of Spine. If your check engine light is on, you just don’t ignore it.
Maybe you’re having symptoms of Text-Neck, maybe you’re not, either way being aware of your posture and altering the way you sit, stand, work or text can dramatically affect how you’ll feel years to come.
If you’re reading this right now on your phone or your computer, check your posture this very second. See?? Give us a call and we can help give you some exercises to help reverse some of these posture effects!
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